*CANCELED* Call to Caucus: April 22, 2024

UPDATE: This caucus has been canceled. Fewer than two people filed to be a delegate as of the deadline of Friday, April 12. Delegate announcement will be coming soon.

The Rappahannock County Democratic Committee (RCDC) will hold an unassembled caucus on Monday, April 22, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Rappahannock County Public Library Meeting Room, 4 Library Rd, Washington, VA, for the purpose of electing delegates and alternates to the 10th Congressional District Convention (CD-10) and the Virginia Democratic State Convention.

Each person seeking to become a Delegate to the 10th Congressional District and State Conventions shall need to file an electronic Declaration of Candidacy form by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 15, 2024. This declaration form shall include the Presidential Candidate this delegate seeks to represent. There will be no paper declaration of candidacy. Click on this link to file.

In order to certify the eligibility of a candidate for election, the RCDC Chair shall ascertain that each prospective candidate:

  • Is a resident of and registered to vote in the County of Rappahannock, Virginia;
  • Is a Democrat;
  • Does not intend to support, endorse, or assist any candidate who is opposed to a Democratic nominee or endorse in the November 2024 election;
  • Is not a member of any other political party;
  • And has not participated and will not participate in the nomination process of any other political party for the November 2024 election.

Only candidates committed to the nomination of the Democratic candidate for President of the United States may serve as Delegates or Alternates.

Rappahannock County has been designated two delegates and no alternates to the District and State Conventions. If two or less people file their Electronic Declaration of Candidacy by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 12, the Caucus will be canceled. The rules for the Virginia Democratic Party Selection of Delegates can be found here.

The CD-10 Convention will be held on Saturday, May 11 (doors will open at 11:00 a.m. for credential verification, prior to the start of the convention at 12:00 p.m.) at the Marshall Community Center, 4133-A Rectortown Rd, Marshall, VA 20115. The State Convention will be held Saturday, June 22, at 10:00 a.m., at the Greater Richmond Convention Center, 403 N. Third St. in Richmond.

NOTE: Delegates and Alternates must pay their own way to the conventions.

Questions? Email Sean Harrigan at chair@rappdems.org.


Speed-Dating Candi-Date Forum in Loudoun County

For anyone interested, the Loudoun Dems coordinated this event to meet candidates in one setting. If you want to attend, you need to RSVP.It’ll work like this – “The forum will open with brief introductions from each primary candidate. For the “speed-dating” portion, a candidate will be seated with voters and one facilitator at each table/group. A facilitator will begin the discussion by asking one pertinent question. Following the candidate’s response, those seated with the candidate will have the opportunity to ask questions. Each roundtable discussion will last roughly 10 minutes, after which a bell will notify the candidates to move on to the following table. Candidate answers to each question will be limited to accommodate as many questions as possible.”https://www.mobilize.us/loudouncountydemocr…/event/605110/


Pre-Super Tuesday Event with the Virginia Dems!

Want something interesting to do this Saturday? The Virginia Dems have you covered. You’re invited to a State Party Event this Saturday at the Army Navy Club in Arlington. Governor JB Pritzker will be the keynote speaker. Mark Warner and Don Beyer will be there as well. Click the link below or the picture for more information.2024 PRE-PRIMARY PARTY – Democratic Party of Virginia (vademocrats.org)


Vote! Now!

There are three important opportunities to vote in Virginia in 2024.The first is the Presidential Primary on March 5. The next are the State Federal Primaries on June 18. And lastly is the General Election on November 5.Early voting for the Presidential Primaries is underway! You can get your ballot in now. Vote in person at the Registrar’s Office, 262A Gay St, Little Washington between 8am and 4pm Monday through Friday. Or call (540) 675-5380. It only takes a minute and it’s so important!Click the following link to read the Rapp News story about early voting to find out who is on the ballot: Early voting now underway in Virginia’s presidential primaries. Here’s who’s on the ballot. | Politics & Government | rappnews.com
