Campaign signs of all kinds are still available and can be delivered to your door. Contact Mary-Sherman Willis for delivery. If you’ve got a good spot for the 4-by-8-foot highway signs let us know!
As much as we loved seeing your faces in person at our last monthly General Meeting, due to the spike in Covid cases in Rappahannock, we’re returning to Zoomworld.
We’ll send a reminder the night before with the meeting agenda and the minutes from last month. If you’re not on our email list, please sign up using the tab on the upper right hand corner of this website.
Take care, stay safe, and we’ll get through this together!
Register to vote or apply for a ballot online using the Citizen Portal.
REMINDER: The terms of the officers (and the at-large Executive Committee members) of the Rappahannock County Democratic Committee will end with our biennial reorganization in January 2022. If you think you might like to serve as Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer, NOW is the time to step up. We’d love nothing more than to hand the reins over to a younger, more diverse slate. If you’re interested, simply reply to Mary-Sherman Willis to get more information.
Click the link below to read an article about the Democratic Party Candidates for Governor written by Rachel Needham, published in the Rappahannock News.