The Rapp Dems are in the office!

The Rappahannock County Democratic Committee office is open Saturdays from 10 AM – 2 PM

We are located at 1047 Zachary Taylor Highway, Huntly


Get your yard signs.

Sign up to volunteer.

Attend Canvass Training.

Hang out with fellow Rapp Dems!


Photos below are from the Rapp Dems Office Grand Opening. Click on the photos to enlarge.

Did we mention it’s a fun time?


Photo credits: Bruce Geisert, Michelle Morrison McKinney, and Christine van den Toorn.


Updates from Voter Protection & the Poll Observer Program



  • We are running an inside and an outside poll observer program for both early vote and election day. As well as absentee ballot observation and post-election canvass observation.
  • Training: We have 10 live combined training options available here: The first 20 minutes is the outside observer training and the last 40 minutes is the inside observer training. We will also be rolling out a recorded outside observer training to be viewed anytime.
  • Assignment: We are assigning inside poll observers but not outside observers, if the outside observers are already being assigned by their local committee. There is an option in our required post-training form for outside observers to say “my local committee is assigning me” and we won’t assign the outside observers.
  • Information sharing: We know local committees are doing an outstanding job already with staffing these outside observers and don’t want to step on your toes — but please share your outside observer assignments to Kristin Clarens, Deputy Voter Protection Director:
  • Escalation: If outside observers see a potential issue they are trained to call our voter protection hotline: 1-844-482-8683. Whereas inside observers are trained and equipped to report issues on our voter protection software:
  • You can find a flyer with QR code to sign folks up to be Poll Observers here; and you can find a guide on Voter Intimidation here.

If you are interested contact RCDC Chair, Sean Harrigan.


September General Committee Meeting 09/14/24


Our monthly RCDC meeting will take place this Saturday, September 14 at 10am at the Little Washington Town Hall (485 Gay St.). Coffee, snacks and conversation at 9:30 am.

Canvassing will kick-off from the same location at approximately 11:15 am following the meeting.

If you want to join the meeting via Zoom, contact us by email or join our RappDems Facebook Group to get the link.



What a Dog Days Yard Sale!

This year’s Rapp Dems Dog Days Yard Sale at the beautiful Miller Dairy Barn in Sperryville was a blast! It seems like everybody you ever knew found treasures at great prices!

Thanks to all who contributed photos! Click photos to enlarge and start slideshow. To see more photos and photo credits, join our FB group Rappahannock County Democrats | Facebook

