Save the Dates!

  • Saturday June 11, 10 am, the June RCDC General meeting will be held at the Rapp Library, 4 Library Road, Washington. Doors open at 9:30 for coffee, snacks and conversation. Gavel down at 10 am. Among other topics, we’ll be discussing the Wexton Campaign launch. All are welcome! 

  • Saturday and Sunday, June 18 and 19, the RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY CANVASS LAUNCH FOR WEXTON FOR CONGRESS! Now is the time to get to work to save our Democratic majority in the House—and our Democracy!  Sign up now for three shifts to get out the vote for Jennifer at Team Wexton – Rappahannock Canvass. More details to come.

Let’s Celebrate Earth Day by Sprucing up Rapp!

The Rapp Dems celebrate EARTH DAY on Saturday April 23 by sprucing up Mother Nature—or at least our little corner of it along Route 211—with our annual Hiway Kleen Up Krew.

WHEN: Saturday April 23, 2022, 10 AM to 1 PM

WHERE: In front of the Library, 4 Library Rd, Washington VA

We provide safety vests, trash bags and delicious snacks afterwards. You bring sturdy shoes, work gloves, a sun hat. 

Questions? Call Ross O’Donoghue ‭(540) 987-8019‬

See you there!


We got a taste of the 10th!

Rep. Jennifer Wexton comes to Rapp!

For a first little taste of life in the 10th Congressional District, we gathered at the Little Washington Winery on a gorgeous Saturday on March 5 to meet and greet our soon-to-be Congresswoman, sip some wine and beer and bask in the sun.

Many thanks to Carl and Donna Henrickson for their hospitality!

You can’t beat the Blue Ridge for setting the mood: Let’s hold the Democratic majority in the US Congress!
