Over two dozen Dems showed up on Earth Day 2023 and made fast work of tidying up the roadside on Rt 211 from the Library to Massie’s Corner. We collected over 25 big garbage bags of trash in under two hours, just before a big thunderstorm drenched out beautiful county.
Help spread awareness of Rapp Democrats and our community service. Join us to write postcards to Rappahannock neighbors announcing Earth Day 2023 and our upcomingEarth Day Clean-up Event.
Gather with friends for a writing party at an RCDC member’s house. Or if you prefer, pick up a packet to write from your home. It’s fun and easy! You’ll receive everything you need including postcards, address labels, postage stamps and messaging ideas.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all! And welcome to another election season in Virginia. (“If the year ends in a number, it’s an election year in Virginia!”).
Join us in pushing back on the Red tide in newly redrawn House District 61 and State Senate District 28! Local county races for Board of Supervisor are also on the calendar.
We meet this month on Saturday January 14th at 10 am at the Rappahannock County Library, 4 Library Rd, Washington VA.
Doors open at 9:30 for our always delicious coffee and conversation. Business starts at 10 and lasts one hour. A Zoom option is available. Contact Mary-Sherman Willis for the link.
We’ve expanded our mailing list for our final 2022 postcard campaign to ELECT JENNIFER WEXTON FOR CONGRESS. This is our biggest list ever and we need volunteers like you!
Join us for a fun postcard-writing get-together Oct 5th. Or, pick-up a packet to write from home*. Or, contact Cathy Zimmerman to coordinate getting a packet to you. Each packet includes postcards, address labels, postage stamps and a messaging ideas sheet. Everything you need to write your cards.
Let’s get writing!
WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 5 from 4:30 pm until 7:00 pm*