Two handmade birdhouses in the style of Le Corbusier! A one-night stay at the Gay Street Inn! A vintage gazing ball for your garden! Folk art hooked rugs! Five dozen chocolate chip cookies delivered to you! $200 gift certificate for Full Circle Equine Service! A pollinator nature walk at the Last Resort!
Stand by for the weblink on Saturday, then check out dozens of treasures and offers, all to help our Democratic candidates win on November 3, 2020!
Dr. B. Cameron Webb was born and raised in Spotsylvania VA and is running to represent the CD5 in Congress. With degrees in law and medicine from the University of Virginia, he served in the Obama and Trump administrations on health policy. He now practices medicine in the Covid unit at UVA, and is Director of Health Policy and Equity at UVA’s School of Medicine. His wife, Leigh-Ann Webb, is an ER doctor from Appomattox County. They live in Albermarle County with their two young children. Dr. Webb is a leader for our time! Help get him elected!
Join a Zoom meeting with Dr. Webb sponsored by the Rappahannock Dems on Wednesday July 29 at 6pm. Bring your questions!
Meet Dr. Cameron Webb!
Time: Jul 29, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Covid-19 has put a big dent in our spring and summer fundraising events to help elect Democrats, including our traditional and beloved Labor Day Dog Days Yard Sale. So this year, we’re going virtual!
At the end of the month we’re holding the new Rapp Dems Virtual Dog Days Auction—a week-long silent auction that ends on Saturday, August 1.
We need your donations, soon! Do you have a talent you can share—a cooked meal to leave at someone’s door, a lesson to teach, a nature walk to lead, a house to offer for a get-away? How about an artwork? An attic treasure you found during quarantine?
We need volunteers to prepare postcards in their homes!
We need to get the word out about mail-in voting for the June 23 primary! We have cards, address labels, and stamps—but we need volunteers to put the parts together and send them off. We have 1000 to mail! We’ll drop off 50 cards (or more, if you want them), with labels and stamps to your porch or mailbox, a no-contact transaction. Please contact Mary-Sherman Willis to volunteer: