January General Committee Meeting

Let’s get together again
for coffee, a chat, and our monthly meeting

The RCDC monthly meeting is this Saturday, January 11, 2025 at the Washington Town Hall, 485 Gay St, Washington, VA 22747 
Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and conversation. The meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. and lasts about an hour.
To view the agenda or attend the meeting virtually, contact RCDC Chair Sean Harrigan.
See you there!


RCDC Meeting Saturday, 11/09/2024

Let’s get together again
for coffee, a chat, and our monthly meeting

The RCDC monthly meeting is this Saturday, November 9th at the Washington Town Hall, 485 Gay St, Washington, VA 22747 
Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and conversation. The meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. and last an hour.
To view the agenda or attend the meeting virtually, contact RCDC Chair Sean Harrigan.
See you there!



September General Committee Meeting 09/14/24


Our monthly RCDC meeting will take place this Saturday, September 14 at 10am at the Little Washington Town Hall (485 Gay St.). Coffee, snacks and conversation at 9:30 am.

Canvassing will kick-off from the same location at approximately 11:15 am following the meeting.

If you want to join the meeting via Zoom, contact us by email or join our RappDems Facebook Group to get the link.



Tim Kaine and VA Senator Suhas Subramanyam in Rapp for a round table discussion

Democratic US Sen Tim Kaine and VA Senator Suhas Subramanyam came to Rapp Sunday, September 8, for a round table discussion about the county and their campaigns—Kaine for re-election and Suhas for our 10th Congressional district. A dozen Rappahannockans—farmers, educators, environmental activists, entrepreneurs, community organizers, and more—shared their concerns and took questions from the crowd. It was a friendly and inspiring moment, on a sunny Sunday afternoon at the Park pavilion, to see these dedicated public servants working hard to listen to their constituents and look for solutions.

Thanks to all who contributed photos to this gallery! Click any photo to enlarge and to view slideshow. Join our FB group for more photos and see photo credits: (1) Rappahannock County Democrats | Facebook

