October 8, 2022 general meeting, Rappahannock County Library, 4 Library Rd, Washington VA, 10am. Doors open at 9:30 for coffee and conversation. All are welcome. Contact Chair Mary-Sherman Willis for more information or for a Zoom link if you wish to attend virtually.
WHERE: The Rappahannock Library, 4 Library Rd, Washington VA
Doors open at 9:30am for coffee and conversation. We come to order at 10am and promise not to take more than an hour of your valuable weekend!
Warren Breiseth, our field rep from Team Wexton, will join us to give us the latest news on the campaign. He’ll then lead off a weekend of door-knocking in the county right after we adjourn. Bring your cell phone and a partner, and consider spending some time talking to our neighbors and getting out the vote. As we just saw in Kansas, Democrats knocking on doors and talking to their neighbors turned the tide on abortion rights in the state!
Saturday June 11, 10 am, the June RCDC General meeting will be held at the Rapp Library, 4 Library Road, Washington. Doors open at 9:30 for coffee, snacks and conversation. Gavel down at 10 am. Among other topics, we’ll be discussing the Wexton Campaign launch. All are welcome!
Saturday and Sunday, June 18 and 19, the RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY CANVASS LAUNCH FOR WEXTON FOR CONGRESS! Now is the time to get to work to save our Democratic majority in the House—and our Democracy! Sign up now for three shifts to get out the vote for Jennifer at Team Wexton – Rappahannock Canvass. More details to come.
We were snowed out in March, but April looks friendlier for an in-person meeting at the Library Jefferson Room, 4 Library Road, Washington VA at 10AM. Doors open at 9:30 for coffee and conversation. Meeting starts at 10 and lasts one hour. All are welcome!
Please note: we will be voting to approve our new Official RCDC Bylaws and need a quorum of 16 members to vote. Your attendance is important! Please come. For a copy of the bylaws or agenda, contact RCDC Chair Mary Sherman Willis, sign up for emails, or join our FB group.
When: Saturday, March 12, 2022, 10 am
Where: Rappahannock Library Jefferson Room, 4 Library Rd, Washington VA 22747.
Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and conversation.
Meeting starts at 10 a.m. and lasts one hour. All are welcome!
A Zoom link is available for those who can’t attend in person. Contact RCDC Chair Mary-Sherman Willis for the Zoom link, a copy of the minutes and agenda.