According to Democratic Party of Virginia Party Plan, city and county Democratic committees are required to renew their membership and elect officers and at-large Executive Committee members at a biennial reorganization.
The RCDC Reorganization is scheduled for Saturday, January 8, 2022 at 10 A.M. We’ll meet via Zoom.
You must be a member of the committee to vote for the RCDC Executive Board. Please take a minute to renew your membership using one of our TWO convenient methods:
1) online in the membership Google form, or
2) by printing out the membership form PDF and mailing it to Ken Edwards, PO Box 718 / Flint Hill, VA 22627.
We must receive your application by noon on Friday, January 7, 2022, so that we may send you instructions for joining the meeting.
NOTE: If you are interested in running for RCDC Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer, or would like to join the At-Large Executive Committee, please contact Chair Mary-Sherman Willis. Deadline to apply is 12/31/21.
Don’t miss out! Submit your application and JOIN US!