The New Rappahannock County Democratic Committee Has Formed!

Now that we’ve reorganized, it’s time to get back to work!


Chair: Sean Harrigan
Vice-chair: Christine van den Toorn
Secretary: Ken Edwards
Treasurer: Mary-Sherman Willis 


Ron Goodman, Casey Eitner, Kay Beatty, Leslie Cockburn, Ross O’Donoghue, Cathy Zimmerman, Eve Brooks.



Planning, Strategy and Messaging–Ron Goodman, Casey Eitner, Ross O’Donoghue, Ken Edwards, Larry Wohlers, Kay Beatty
Fundraising and Budget–Gwen Bates, Tac Tacelosky, Mary-Sherman, Ken Edwards
Outreach and Communications: letters to the editor, advertising, social media–Casey Eitner, Kay Beatty, Michelle McKinney 
District Operations: precinct coordinators (6 precinct captains needed), campaign signs, election day–Mary-Sherman Willis, Ross O’Donaghue
Get Out the Vote (canvassing, postcards, phone banks)–Eve Brooks


Welcome to all of you who have joined the Rappahannock County Democratic Committee! If you plan to attend meetings regularly and/or be active in the Party, and you haven’t filled out your application form to become an official member, please do!


Click HERE to fill out the online application to officially become a member of the Rappahannock County Democratic Committee!

Click HERE to download and print a membership form to email or mail back to us.


Holiday Brunch 2023 memories!

The 2023 RCDC Holiday Brunch was another cozy get-together of happy Democrats celebrating a great year for Dems in the Virginia General Assembly. Let’s bask a minute in seasonal jollity! We’re looking ahead to 2024!


At the Polls in Rapp 2023
