The Way to Protect Virginia’s Climate
The answer to all your questions before, during, and after you vote!
“What Rapp district am I in”? “How do I know if I’m registered to vote?” “When are all the deadlines?” Find the answers to these questions and more by clicking the following link: Virginia Department of Elections – Home
The Rapp Dems’ Statement Regarding Rep. Jennifer Wexton’s Announcement
The Rappahannock County Democrats are heartbroken at the news of Rep. Jennifer Wexton’s decision not to seek re-election next year due to advancing neurological illness. She has been a fierce defender of our rural community since her election in 2018 as one of a trio of young progressive Virginia women—along with Abigail Spanberger and Elaine Luria. She loves the Rapp Dems, which she characterized as “small but mighty!” It was our great honor to campaign for her in the “new” 10th. We understand and support her decision and wish her all the best, and we will hold her spirit in our hearts in our work for all Virginia Democrats.
Larry Jackson Meet & Greet August 12
Check out his campaign website: Candidate Larry Jackson (
Watch this video: